Earth Oriented Community Celebrations

Purposeful Reconnection
Fellowship Communities are regular gatherings built upon a combination of ceremony, ritual, movement, and celebration intended to nourish and grow healthy relationships between humans and our planet.
Spirituality for the 21st Century
The intersection of science and spirit ~ a purposeful reconnection with the greater community of life, helping to reinvent the story we tell ourselves about our place in the world. Community celebrations designed to nurture and facilitate our common bonds and nurture the awe it takes to truly revere the miraculous wonder that all forms of life embody here on our precious planet.

Towards a Sustainable World
By celebrating what we all share in common, and creating a safe container within which to evolve as a community, together we walk towards a truly sustainable Earth oriented community.
Humans Evolving
TemplEarth embodies a revolution within the human spirit that changes our fundamental orientation from selfishness and greed to one of cooperation and mutual benefit. TemplEarth Fellowship Communities will enable individuals to find true meaning in their lives, to truly connect and participate in healthy communities, to discover healthy role models, and have opportunity to be both student and mentor within the generational bonds of purposeful community.

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That's what it's all about...